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Water levels are likely to exceed the warning levels in some sections of the Yellow River, Yangtze River and Haihe River in mid-to-late August, with typhoons triggering regional downpours and floods.



Heavy rainfall has hit most parts of the province since Aug 8. As of 3:00 pm Thursday, 68 counties in Hubei had each seen rainfall measuring more than 100 mm, according to the provincial emergency management department.


米乐Twenty-one people were killed and four others missing as heavy rain lashed Liulin township of Suixian county in central China's Hubei province from Wednesday to Thursday, local authorities said Friday. Over 8,000 people have been affected in the township, according to the announcement.


The flood control and drought relief headquarters of Hubei province activated Level III emergency response for flood control on Thursday.


米乐8月12日,水利部增派了4个工作组赴湖北、安徽、江西3省指导暴雨洪水防范应对工作。目前,水利部仍维持水旱灾害防御Ⅳ级应急响应(level-IV emergency response to floods and droughts),共有7个工作组在防汛一线指导。